Fashion Tips


How You Can Lose 24 Pounds of Belly Fat In Just 1 Month With This Combination Diet!!!! AMAZING!!!!!

The most talked about natural weight loss is finally here! A 
pumpkin shaped fruit that grows in Southeast Asia and India,
Garcinia Cambogia is a revolutionary breakthrough!
Garcinia Cambogia contains a key ingredient HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), which is extracted from the rind of the fruit. This is mother nature's answer to weight loss!
Exciting new breakthrough in natural weight loss is an ingredient that lets you lose weight without diet or exercise.
Taking Natural Garcinia Cambogia helps prevent fat from being made and moves towards glycogen, which is an energy source that helps burn more fat. As the fat gets blocked from being made, you start seeing the results! By managing stress hormones called cortisol, you begin to manage your belly fat. This magic ingredient makes sense!
It's a simple solution to bust your fat!
Taking Natural Garcinia Cambogia helps prevent fat from being made and moves towards glycogen, which is an energy source that helps burn more fat. As the fat gets blocked from being made, you start seeing the results! By managing stress hormones called cortisol, you begin to manage your belly fat. This magic ingredient makes sense!
It's a simple solution to bust your fat!
Natural Garcinia Cambogia is carefully produced in our GNP Certified Lab without any fillers, binders or chemical additives of any kind.
The greatest part of Natural Garcinia Cambogia is it's a dual action fat buster! It prevents fat from being made and suppresses your appetite. Now you can lose weight without diet and exercise!
No more spending hours and hours at the gym exercising, and you can say goodbye to shopping for expensive diet foods. Go with the solution that makes sense!

Tips How to wear white.

It's officially the season to wear white, so as we all reach in our closets and pull out those white jeans and tops, it's time to reassess the rules of how to wear it sucessfully. After all, white can look absolutely fab, but if you do it wrong, the look can definitely backfire. Stylist Andrea Kelliher shares her eight rules for wearing white.

1. DO substitute white jeans for your blue ones in the Summer.
White jeans are a great alternative to your blue jeans, they're versatile enough to wear with just about anything!

2. DO wear white on white.
Yes, you read that correctly. White on white is a DO. Pair white pants with a crisp white tank. Try white shorts with a sleek white blouse. Accessorize with white jewelry!

3. DON'T wear head-to-toe white denim unless you are going for a Texas tuxedo look.
Yes, white on white is in. But Himel draws the line at covering yourself with white denim. If you're wearing white denim on the bottom, don't wear white denim on the top. Choose another fabric instead.

4. DO substitute a white pump for a nude one for a fresh Summer look.
Nude pumps look great year-round, but why not add a fun twist by wearing those white pumps around in place of nude this summer.

5. DO wear white nails for a modern look (but no French manicures).
There are so many versions of white polish, the options are endless. And a stark white looks great with a summer glow. It's fresh and fun.

6. DO mix textures when wearing head-to-toe white.
Various textures work brilliantly when wearing white on white. Mixing textures adds a sophisticated twist to your basic white on white.

7. DON'T wear white to a wedding unless you are the bride (obvi).
You know the rules--you may have an adorable little white dress, but save that for date night, not for your friend's wedding.

8. DO wear a LWD (Little White Dress) instead of a LBD.
Now is the time of year to trade out your LBD--put it away for a few months and swap in a LWD instead--after all, you have the rest of the year to wear that LBD, but only a few months to get away with a white one!

Fashion  Etiquette.

Dressing etiquette is for all those who want to dress elegant.
Knowing what is appropriate to wear on occasion requires as much good taste as it is to dress elegantly.
Knowing what is appropriate to wear on occasion requires as much good taste as it is to dress elegantly. Appropriateness, good grooming and adherence to the dress code are keys to having good clothing etiquette
The choice of clothing is often dictated by the entertainment: what you wear to the opera is not the same as if you were attending a U2 concert.
Day time clothes are very different from evening clothes. Similarly, evening clothes should only be worn in the evening and never on day time. It is generally more acceptable to wear day time clothes through the evening, because say it was inconvenient for you to go home and change or bring a spare change of clothes.

Quem falou que precisa ser magra para ser elegante!!!!!
Toda mulher com uns quilinhos  a mais sabe a dificuldade de encontrar uma roupa que seja adequada com o seu corpo, ou seja, vista bem e que seja bonita e além disso, que escondam as gordurinhas. Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, uma roupa pode sim possuir essas características e para isso não precisa ser discreta, como uma peça preta por exemplo. Seguindo algumas regras de elegância você pode chegar ao visual desejado, reunindo cores e estampas mais variadas e ao mesmo tempo parecendo mais magra

Manga e Pescoço

Para disfarçar os braços roliços, use sempre peças com mangas. Escolha as mais soltinhas ( tipos morcego ou boca-de-sino), que não repuxam na hora de movimentar os braços, sendo assim ao mesmo tempo confortaveis. Outra opção é recorrer a xales ou echarpes. Também invista em belos colares, pois assim eles chamam a atenção para o colo desviando assim o foco da indesejada barriguinha.

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