Sunday, June 30, 2013


It's not uncommon for a woman heading into an important day at work, meeting or interview to slip on a pair of her highest heels. Seeking a boost of confidence, some women feel like a towering heel is what will give them that extra push they need. While we know a stiletto may not be good for our spine, that won't stop us.

We try to help women of all shapes and sizes here at Fabulous after 40, but lately many of you have written to us asking specifically for fashion tips for larger women.
No problem. We totally understand. Some of you may have been plus size your whole life. Others may be experiencing body changes after 40 that make it very common to put on some extra pounds.
Whatever the case, whether you are trying to get that weight off or not, it’s important to dress for the size you are now. You need to look and feel fabulous in your clothes no matter how much extra weight you may be carrying.
We have these amazing fashion tips on how to choose plus size women’s clothing to help you.

Tip # 1 – Don’t Buy Clothes that are Too Tight

Nothing is worse than trying to fit into clothes that are too small. You may think a smaller size is going to make you look thinner, but in reality, it makes you look bigger.
Small, tight clothing on a big body exaggerates your weight. Get clothing that fits and forget about the size tag, even if it means you need to start wearing plus size women’s clothing.

 Tip # 2 – Don’t Buy Clothes that are Too Baggy

On the Flip side, clothing that is too loose doesn’t work either. When it comes to fashion tips for overweight women, this is one you really need to pay attention to.
It’s very common to see a heavy woman walking around in a “tent”. What I mean here is a top or dress that is big, sloppy and has no fit. True, some styles of plus size women’s clothing have been designed this way, but most often this problem has to do with buying the wrong size.
Many larger women choose oversize clothing to try and hide their body, when the truth is they are only drawing more attention to their body.
Clothes need to skim your body, no matter what your shape or size. I don’t mean they should be tight, but they need to flow gently over the curves of your body.  It doesn’t matter whether you prefer trendy plus size women’s clothing or more sophisticated plus size women’s clothing, fit is as important as style when it comes to looking Fabulous.
* Note: For women who are both large and tall make sure your sleeves and pant legs are long enough to fit properly. I suggest you check online for stores that specialize in plus size tall women’s clothing.

Tip # 3 -  Wear Dark Colors on the Heavy Bits   

Color is a wonderful way to camouflage weight. Dark colors recede and bright/light colors advance if you wear dark colors on your heavy parts those parts will look smaller.
Big thighs? ….then wear dark navy, brown, black, gray, burgundy  pants and a lighter/brighter top. Huge bust and tiny hips? Then you’d want to wear the darker color up top and the lighter color on the bottom.

 Tip # 4- Avoid Detail where you carry the Weight

Buttons, pockets, pleats, embellishment…they all draw attention, so don’t have them where you where don’t want people to look. If you have a generous rear end that you are trying to downplay, don’t buy jeans with studs, embroidery or anything else jazzing up the back pockets.
If your upper arms are beefy, a short sleeved top with sleeves that end at the thickest part of your arm is going to make them look heavier. A mirror is your best friend.

 Tip # 5 - Keep Your Accessories in Scale

If you are a big woman you need to have heavier accessories . A 200 Pound woman is going to look heavier wearing tiny, dainty jewelry.  She will look better in medium to large size jewelry.
Scale is also important when it comes to other things such as the thickness of your heels. For example, if you have heavy legs and calves a thin spiky heel is such a contrast to your legs that you are going to look like you have even heavier legs. A thicker heavier heel would be better for you.
Imagine a very heavy set woman with a tiny purse. It just  makes her look bigger, right? Keep your accessories in line with your weight,  size, and bone structure, and you will look slimmer.
Do you have any fashion tips for dressing when you are a big woman or suggestions for where to buy high end plus size women’s clothing? If so, please comment below. We love sharing and caring with the  community.

Quem falou que precisa ser magra para ser elegante !!!!!

Toda mulher com uns quilinhos  a mais sabe a dificuldade de encontrar uma roupa que seja adequada com o seu corpo, ou seja, vista bem e que seja bonita e além disso, que escondam as gordurinhas. Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, uma roupa pode sim possuir essas características e para isso não precisa ser discreta, como uma peça preta por exemplo. Seguindo algumas regras de elegância você pode chegar ao visual desejado, reunindo cores e estampas mais variadas e ao mesmo tempo parecendo mais magra

Manga e Pescoço

Para disfarçar os braços roliços, use sempre peças com mangas. Escolha as mais soltinhas ( tipos morcego ou boca-de-sino), que não repuxam na hora de movimentar os braços, sendo assim ao mesmo tempo confortáveis . Outra opção é recorrer a xales ou echarpes. Também invista em belos colares, pois assim eles chamam a atenção para o colo desviando assim o foco da indesejada barriguinha.